Maridee Magas

Teachers - French Immersion
Phone: 403-887-3088
Hello! My name is Maridee Magas, and I am a kindergarten French Immersion teacher here at Steffie! I have spent most of my career teaching kindergarten and grade 1. I LOVE spending time with my wonderful students as I learn along-side them. Prior to teaching kinder/grade 1, I also taught grades 3 and 4 French Immersion here at Steffie, and grades 3, 4, and 5 French Immersion in Edmonton Public and Wolf Creek. As a product of a French Immersion program myself, I am very passionate about the opportunities that learning a second language offers.
When I am not at work, I am busy being a wife, and a mother of two children. Family is extremely important to me, and I always enjoy spending time with them. I am also a lifelong learner, as I have completed my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education.
"It's all about relationship and connection. It's all so simple and remarkably complicated all at the same time." - Dr. Jody Carrington