Tamara Visser

Youth Empowerment & Support Program- "YES"
Ms. Tam is our newest success coach for the YES! Program. She is greatly looking forward to providing targeted and universal mental health support and programs to all grades.
You may recognize Ms. Tam from her previous roles as a lifeguard, basketball coach and official, or YES worker at Delburne school. She has a BSc degree from the University of Alberta, with a double major in Psychology and Biological Sciences. She is also currently working on her Masters in Counselling Psychology. Her knowledge in psychology, passion for mental health, and experience working with youth are going to help make her the best Success Coach she can be!
Ms. Tam strives to create a comfortable environment where everyone can be themselves, learn, and enjoy. She is looking forward to connecting with students and making a positive impact in the lives of kids in both the school and community.
In her spare time, Ms. Tam is usually chasing her toddler around, dabbling in photography, playing sports, or catching up on sleep.