Shooting for the Stars Read-a-Thon

We're excited to announce our school-wide "Shooting for the Stars" Read-a-Thon for the month of April! Your child will be bringing home an information package to help them participate.
The package includes:
- An information letter outlining the Read-a-Thon details.
- Four weekly reading logs. These logs are to help your child track their reading minutes each week. Each log is dated by the week with the return date at the top. Extra logs will be available at the office if needed in case one is lost or more minutes need to be logged!
- A pledge form. Please return pledge forms to the office by May 1st. Students are encouraged to ask friends and family and NOT to go door to door.
Here's how it works:
- Students will track their reading minutes at home throughout April.
- For every 15 minutes of reading, their names will be entered into prize draws!
- Students who return their completed reading logs to the office each Monday will be entered into a special weekly draw.
- The top 5 readers in each grade and the top 3 overall fundraisers will be invited to a pizza party with Ms. Eadie, where they will receive special prizes. Date to be determined.
Important Notes:
- Reading logs for Week 3 and Week 4 should be returned on Monday, April 28th, due to Spring Break.
- Please help your child understand the importance of honesty when filling out and having their reading logs signed.
We encourage you to help your child get started logging their reading minutes as early as March 30th!
Happy Reading!